The Buckeye Ranch’s Early Childhood Mental Health (ECMH) team provides prevention support, mental health tools, and educational resources for preschools and caretakers of children ages 0-5 to improve overall emotional well-being to ensure long-term academic success. This toolkit was developed for the community by this team.
Overall emotional well-being is a significant factor for academic success. Here are strategies to help strengthen social/emotional learning skills for preschool-aged children:
According to Civil Rights Data Collection from 2017-2018 enrollment for black preschool students was at 18.2% yet they accounted for 38.2% of pre-school suspensions. A 2016 Yale Study indicated that black boys were tracked more frequently than other students contributing to the disparity in preschool suspensions. Below are some resources for parents, caregivers, and educators to consider.
As you embark on the kindergarten readiness journey with child/ren, a few trusted resources that can help guide you are below.
As you support your child in their kindergarten readiness journey, here are some guiding questions to help inform how you’re supporting behavior modeling and learning: