Our Same-Day Access provides same-day evaluation and assessment to families who need it, connecting them to programs and services both at The Buckeye Ranch and in the community based on their unique needs.
This team helps youth and families gain access to OhioRISE coverage through CANS Assessments and eligibility screenings, as well as access to other programs provided by The Buckeye Ranch through Diagnostic Assessments and connection sessions for those experiencing waitlisted programs.
The CANS assessment helps our team to determine OhioRISE coverage eligibility and Diagnostic Assessments allow our team to determine a youth and family needs in order to connect them with services that best support their healing journey. This team also works with the State of Ohio, Ohio Jobs and Family Services, Franklin County Children Services, and more to facilitate services from direct referrals.
In-person Same-Day Access services are offered Monday through Thursday at The Buckeye Ranch:
Please call 614-384-7798 or email assessmentandengagement@buckeyeranch.org with any questions.