Make A Referral

Bridges Program

About the Bridges Program

Bridges is a program for young adults ages 18-21 who meet program requirements and have aged out of county custody. Bridges will accept referrals through the Ohio Jobs and Family Services Bridges portal for young adults who are aging out of the child welfare system.

Bridges provides case management and other resources to ensure success of these young adults as they transition into adulthood into their communities. Through the intake process, each young adult will have a personalized treatment plan tailored to meet their specific needs. For more information or to inquire about a possible referral, please head to the Bridges portal below.

The Buckeye Ranch Transitional Age Youth support teams helps youth in our programs through the process of gaining access to the Bridges program if they qualify. The Bridges program also provides financial assistance to the young adults that are approved for the program to assist with paying for housing, utilities, food, transportation, and other basic needs.



